
Oops. I’ve been neglecting my website. Too bad suckas. I just got back from a movie with my good friend Chris, who I haven’t hung out with in a few months. But before that, I hit the gym for a half an hour before I went out. Yeah, I’m gross – sweatin’ it up then hanging with friend. Whatever. I ran a 7½ minute mile.Mind you, I only ran one – because I had to be out of there in a half an hour. Then I went and did some killer abs. My quads hurt, but it’s the good kind of hurt.

So, my teacher at school has been sick for three days now. The other teachers are getting sick too. I better not catch it, cause when I get a flu – it lasts. Maybe it’s because I never take any medication for it.

Babysittin’ for my cousins kids last weekend went alright. I actually cooked them a nice supper. Fettucini, tomato sauce with some chicken in it. They seemed to gobble it down.

I also bought them a boat load of candy too. “Nancy, you’re our favorite babysitter”. Hmm, I wonder why. It was kinda hard to get the 5 year old to bed, after allowing him all that candy, and watching a crazy 3D movie. I’ve never watched a 3D movie, with those red/blue glasses before. Felt like I was on some kind of nut-drugs. Stuff flying out of the screen – it was way cool. Oh, I also updated this page a tiny bit. Alright, g’nite all.


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