Lots of new since I just updated a few days ago. First thing is that — I’m moving into Scott’s apartment for 1 month. I got a job at a Govnerment building here in KW just sorting the claim files and entering it into the computers. It’s boring, but since the govnerment pays….pretty darn well, I couldn’t very well not accept it. Our schedule is going to work well in the mornings, since the BF goes to the gym in the AM now to train for his duathalons, so we’ll be going to bed & waking up the same time – since I have to take TWO busses to get to the damn place, I have to wake up earlier than I would if I had a car ha! Oh poor me.
My weekend was pretty exciting actually. I stayed at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto this weekend. It was pretty snazzy. I actually took a couple of pictures. I only took one picture of the lobby – everything was GOLD lol. So getting back to my story.. My neighbours from Newfoundland came up, and the husband, Mister D is a miner, was a president of some mining company last year and has his own mining business. There’s a huge conference going on for the next week, and last night was I guess… opening night? Apparently there’s 16,000 miners going to be in Toronto for this multi-day conference. Nuts. So, last night we all (Mr.D, Mrs. D – their daughter and her husband) went to this incredibly fancy restaurant called Far Niente and check out the menu we had. A $65 dinner. The Wellington Dinner with about 120 mining posh men. Open bar = big plus. Free three course fine dining meal. To top things off, I was sitting next to a lady who was only a few yrs older than I. She told me she was an aspiring actress, oprah singer and so on. But she said she just finishing Deal or No Deal Canada!! Oh my lord. Kylee Evans. She looks so much prettier/smaller in person. She was in Mississauga all day signing autographs. Howie Mandell was supposedly in the hotel the same evening as we were. He’s also OCD and will never touch you. haha… Anywya, the deal or no deal’s boyfriend was also an actor. He was in the movie Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle. Check him out! He was the cop/security guy that pulled over the two guys who were jay-walkin’ and the guy gives the jay-walkers a hard time. I so gotta rent that again. Yah so I got pretty hammered off free Vodka+Cranberry’s. It was a sweet sweet night. But it was an early night, since I was out with people who had to wake up and repeat the process over again, conference after conference. So we plopped into bed at about 10:30 and then I got woken up at 7:00 by Mr & Mr’s D’s grandkids. Uhg, not so good. But I didn’t have a hangover thank god. Woke up, got some brunch that was paid for by the conference. Headed to the eaton centre, went into AF and bought this adorable top that fits me like a charm. In brown. The white was too see through. Then, headed back to the swank hotel for a bit. Waited around for Scott, since he was in Toronto for the day, with his boss checking out bikes at some bike show at the Ex this weekend. We grabbed the 5:30 greyhound from Toronto and got back into KW not too long ago.
I’m going to head off now. I’m making chicken quesadillas for supper tonight – and I make some darn tasty ones too, I tell ya! My mouth is watering just thinking about cookin’ them up!! YUM