Too bad I can’t vent on here about a co-worker making me angry. Work is isolating me out & that’s as far as I can elaborate on it. Sigh
This weekend my boyfriend is going to British Columbia for the weekend & I get to look after his cute hedgehog (that I named Boris, by the way). I’m afraid of the little guy biting me, so I haven’t let him get close to me or anything yet. Maybe this weekend we’ll …. “bond”. Speaking of Bond – my work is renting out a theatre here, for the staff & significant others + 8 more people to bring (10 tickets per person!!) to see Casino Royale on November 18th, the day after the movie premire’s – for FREE, with freeeee refreshments. Nice deal hey? I invited my boyfriend Scott & two of our friends to join us. I’m pretty excited to see it..
I want to see Borat! We went to try and get tickets on opening night, but of course, it was sold out – all three showings! Nuts I tell you. Scott’s friends are seeing it tonight, but I can’t make it out there tonight, so Scott will wait for me – aww!
So, I bought my first load of groceries. Hopefully it’ll last me a while because… I can’t justify spending over $150 a month on food, and I’m almost there already…but I didn’t spend that much this time of course. But this pile better last!! I’m going to be a stindge.
Anyhoo…I’m gonna watch HOUSE with the roomie. BYEE