Proud girlfriend

I decided to write an entry about “the Boyfriend“. I must be missing him or something huh? He’s been gone since last Monday, currently away on vacation back home in Newfoundland and won’t be returning until midnight Tuesday. Anyway, Boyfriend started doing duathlons in 2006, but this year he has seen the light and is now a triathlete. I’m probably going to get in crap for posting photos of him, but I’m so proud of his athletics! I’m getting the grand tour each year, of Ontario being his cheerleader for every race, taking photos of him. The big race 70.3 in Muskoka is coming up in September, and we’re going to spend 3 or 4 nights up in Deer Hurst. Apparently it’s a very posh place to stay — I’d say it is, at nearly $450 a night! We’ll be taking a day off work and driving the 4 hours to get there. I was going through some photos last night and put together a few favorites from various different races. Have fun!

(Click to enlarge)

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1 Comment

  1. Look at your hotness of a bf! LOL..

    And ps, your hair looks gorgeous! But we need to see a picture of the front :)

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