Take me out why don’t ya

Today was insane at soccer. First 5 minutes I got taken down twice by their defenders. One of those times I banged my head on the grass, both the times they grabbed me by the shirt because they got angry I ran past them full force. Don’t grab me or I’ll freak. I don’t think I’ve ever sworn so much in my life. J**.F**.C**!! Second half they put three freaking defenders on me. Good thing they were slower than I, did some nifty tricks and went past them, hehe. Anyway, it was a tough game. Got taken out again in second half. I got SO many free kicks today. I don’t know why I didn’t score, nobody scored. Tied game 0-0. It’s ok. Three more outdoor games this season. Then it’s indoor season where I’m playing in two leagues. I think I’m in need of purchasing some neat indoor shoes. I don’t even know if these are men’s or women’s, but I sure do like’em. Toronto shopping here I come!

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1 Comment

  1. If I was there sis and they were givin you a hard time I would kill em for ya man or beast. Bring em on B-)

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