Face yourself

She kinda looks like me, no? What do you think?

Boyfriend laughed when he saw this avatar to your left. I’m not sure if it was because he thought it looked totally ridiculous and nothing like me, or the fact that it took way too long to create this little picture. But I think it’s the best representation of myself that I have created with an online site, that almost reminds me of those paper dolls I used to dress as a child. In any case, it was entertaining and I had fun adding to this little mini–me character.

Has anyone even thought about Christmas Shopping yet?

Can I make you all envious in saying that I’m completely done my shopping for everyone on my list? Shop.com definitely came in handy when looking for that one unique gift for that special someone. I did most of my shopping online back when a lot of stores had sales. However, I found a lot of places that offered free shipping to those in the states. Ugh, so jealous.

But! At least I won’t be broke this holiday season. I can go home and relax, all while getting vacation pay. I shipped off a ginormous box of unwrapped presents and goodies to my brother and his large family in Ireland a few weeks ago. Customs usually opens up boxes that we send over, but never bubble wrapped envelopes! Anyway, it should arrive 8 weeks after I sent it. Ridiculous isn’t it? Canada Post even gives us a tracking number, but once it’s out of Canada it can no longer be tracked.

Oh Christmas, you’re my favorite time of year! Someone want to wrap these pink stila brushes up for me and give them to me for Christmas? Please and thanks. ;)


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