Wednesday, finally a day where I got to sleep in on a week day. Monday and Tuesday I’ve been waking up at 6:30AM or so. Something my body doesn’t really like, and I’m especially not a morning person. Wednesdays used to be my early days, since we usually have staff meetings but that’s been cut down to just bi–weekly meetings. Awesome. This week has been really messed up. Let me detail it out for you lol…
Monday: wake up reeeeeally early and go to Chiropractor across the street from my apartment for 7:30. Get a ride to work with a co–worker who also frequents the chiro. We arrive at work at 8:00. I work until 6:00 to make up some hours that I took off in late October.
Tuesday: Wake up somewhat later than previous day. Same co-worker (such a sweet older man) picks me up from my apartment so I don’t have to take a two hour bus ride to our Professional Development Day at another location other than work.
Wednesday: Back to my normal routine of waking up at 8:00AM and getting into work at a regular time. Successsss.
I’ve been reminiscing and going through old photo albums that I had on my photo page. Somehow, over half of my photos have been removed, and I see that the albums are now ’empty’. I e–mailed Pbase about it, but since I only had trial accounts they decided to delete and purge all of them. Thankfully, BFF may have a backup and might send me some old 2003/2004 photos. That’s the reason why they were stored ONLINE — so I wouldn’t lose them, and look what happens. This is the second time that Pbase has done this to me in a matter of a few months. Unnecessary drama folks!!
When I get enough motivation, I’m definitely going to go through all 400 million of my albums and save them onto a CD and maybe buy a Flickr account.
Sigh. Memories are gone.