After 3½ years of boyfriend and I dating, I have officially met his parents and all of his two sisters (one, last summer and one tonight). I totally bailed on my climbing plans and left Kerry stranded at the climbing gym. waiting for me, precisely the exact same time supper was served. I really really need to make that up to her. But I was so afraid that boyfriend would totally not let me have another chance at meeting his parents. I always asked him “When will I meet them!” and his parents were the same way too, in fact. Huh. Anyway, so I went over to his place tonight and ate some mouth watering chicken parmigiana with them, and had a delicious chocolate mousse/cake/cheesecake for dessert. So, Kerry. I apologize to you right now. I failed to follow through with our plans. (I know she reads my website, so I’m posting it here instead of actually e-mailing her a private “I’m sorry” lol) That’s what ya gets! Hopefully I’ll get another chance to meet up with you before I head back to the ‘loo.
Before supper though, boyfriend and I were checking out stuff at Westgate, and then headed to the mall. I felt so … tall in the mall. I guess the ceilings at the malls I usually frequent in Ontario are much higher. Plus, the amount of people wearing Bench clothing totally made me never want to wear my Bench windbreaker EVER again. I guess that’s the “in” thing here in town right now. Every time we stepped onto the escalator or went into a store, at least two chicks were wearing the exact same Bench zip ups that were available at this one store lololol. Ahhhh I hate that. Living in a “small” (120,000 people isn’t exactly small. But small compared to what I’m used to – 600,000 people) city, I guess that’s what you get – rare selection of a few good things, and everyone wants it then.
Anyway. I’m totally just wasting time right now and waiting for a buddy of mine to call then i’m heading out again for teh night, visiting friends who I haven’t seen in over two years. WOAH.
Aw! I love huge comments. Happy New Year Leanne! :)
I haven’t made it up to Kerry yet, lol.. but I will soon. Much before I go back to Ontario (January 8th). So I’m here for a for while now.
The Bench jackets are exactly like you had described them! The pink/blue ones with the hoodie. I was in Avalon a few days ago and was floored…and annoyed! There isn’t much selection in Envy for Bench. So I think I’ll stick to the one in the Eaton Centre and shop there!
Aw, that sucks about your friend :( Def. go and make it up though (if you didn’t already), because I can’t stand when this happens to me! However, its cool when a friend makes it up and its has a good reason :)
Haha @ the Bench thing. It’s so true! I always wanted a Bench coat, even before Bench became popular here. When I left for Europe, I seen some people in SJ wearing them but not a whole lot. I come back home and everrrryone has one! And then my bf ended up buying one for me for xmas, lol. However, I’m happy to say its not one of those pink or blue ones that everyone has. It’s just plain black and its a long one, without a hoodie :)
I also noticed that in Europe, they are much cheaper. I guess because they’re made in the UK right?
Well, Happy New Year! Hope `09 is wonderful to you :)
PS: When are you going back to Ontario?
Bootlegger also carries Bench! …I like Bench.. but just not the stuff that EVERYONE has these days. It’s just like those colourful bubble dresses I suppose :P