Flailing your arms in traffic will ulitmately hurt you

I got off the bus 1 stop before my regular stop this morning because I saw a car accident up ahead. Some girl, somehow managed to get her car up on the sidewalk with all the snow piled high, so she was ontop of a huge mound of snow. The woman who got off the bus stop with me was a woman who worked in the building adjacent to me. She’s chatty. I’m not a morning person. I don’t like talking in the mornings.

But this … this got us talking.

There is a set of lights where I got off the bus, but normally it doesn’t turn red, unless a pedestrian hits the walk sign. I did just that, along with woman I mentioned above. As we were crossing the road, a truck whizzed through the small intersection. Guess he didn’t see it was red. “Fair enough” because it’s NEVER red for these vehicles. But, you think they’d look up at the godamn streetlights to see if it was green to go, right?

Another huge loading truck went whizzing by. In the lane I was about to walk over into. I waved my hand up in the air like I was pissed cause… c’mon it’s my turn to walk buddy. I guess he saw me flail my arm about and glare being like “wth dude, let me cross” and then he slammed on his breaks, fish tailed, and I ran back in the other direction because he was fish tailing back into my area!

He went through, because he couldn’t stop in time.

Guess I nearly got knocked down. I wasn’t scared. I think I was just brazin’ cause I was mad and after flailing my arms, he got the attention that the light was red.


Well. Lunch time!

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  1. some girl got hit by a bus in windsor the other day. Those crosswalks are death, however I dont think she was using a crosswalk.

  2. This bothers me to no end! I walk to work and no one every pays attetion the pedestrian crosswalk I have to cross through, even though it turns their light red. So annoying!

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