As you all may know my boyfriend is a Triathlete and is currently training for Ironman Canada.  Yesterday we went to Hamilton and he raced an “easy 30k”. Originally he wanted to do this in under 2 hours. But he was seconds under his time last year and finished it in 2:09:20. Last summer he completed the half Ironman which was conveniently in Ontario, just a few hours drive up north.  I’ve gotten the grand tour of this province, being his cheerleader girlfriend ever since he started racing around the province. Ever weekend in the summers are practically booked up with waking up at 4am to prep for the drive to the race site an hour or two away. Occasionally we book hotels and drive up the night before, like the half ironman I mentioned, which was quite a few hours away. Needless to say, this weekend wasn’t a sleeping-in one. We stayed up late on Friday and Saturday (we had to go to Hamilton two days in a row. Racers pick up their time chip and freebies the day before a race.)

Anyway, onto the big news that I wanted to tell you all! I am thrilled to announce that we have booked our (direct) flights to British Columbia for later on this year!  It’s only a four hour flight, same as flying from Toronto to Newfoundland. Sooooo, we’re going to fly to British Columbia in August, and once Ironman Canada is over and done with, we’re going to scope out the beautiful scenery in Banff, Alberta. Air Canada had a ridiculously great seat sale that we couldn’t pass up. Initially I had wanted to fly home for the long weekend, during the first week of August. But eff that. I’ve always felt obligated to either fly home to see my friends/parents, or go to Ireland to visit my brother’s family. This time? It’s all about me baby (and boyfriend lol).

I’m really excited about this, as it’s a huge accomplishment for my incredibly dedicated boyfriend who has been in training ever since the race season ended in October, and me to even watch this race with all the big names:  Craig Alexander (the current Ironman Triathlon World Champion who I met *tee hee* at the Half Ironman race last August), and actually…I don’t even know who else is going. I’m totally going to be a huge nerd and make a monster sized, ridiculous poster with the Newfoundland flag saying “GO SCOTT GO!”.

You guys, I am … So. Stoked.

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  1. How cool! Kudos to Boyfriend, and it’s great that you guys get to turn it into a little vacation! I’ve heard that that’s a nice area to visit :)

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