I hear those birds a chirpin’

birdWith the after effects of the time change having the evenings still be bright as I get off work, and having a nice break in the chilly weather, it’s finally warm enough for ME to wear t–shirts outside. I’m naturally a chilly person as it is, regardless of the time of year. But it’s T–SHIRT weather you guyyyss! I almost want to rock out with my old school ipod nano, and hit the pavement in my old runners and just go for a long run. Except, it’s been ages since I’ve been on the treadmills at the gym and I’m afraid it takes me a good three weeks or so to get back into the swing of things. I see this as a winter–pattern for me. I, like most people, get completely lazy in the winter and do as little as possible. I do play more soccer during the winter, than summer. But still. Winter is cold, and for being warm and toasty, and not sweaty with going to the gym. Guess I could’ve started off a bit earlier, as it’s almost bikini season. I need a tan first.

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1 Comment

  1. that photo of that bird is adorable.. love its eyes!

    the weather has been wonderful…. i totally forgot the 1st day of spring is tomorrow! :)

    and i so need a tan too, wow.. i’m a ghost! :)

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