

I have to mention one thing, before I even start this entry. I broke my No Buy Month, and I don’t give a damn. I went to the next city yesterday as I had an orthodontic checkup and wanted to check out Bath & Body Works in the mall. I bought 3 hand pump soaps (3 for $12 Nectarine Mint which is brand new and I can’t find it online, Sweet Pea & Wild Honeysuckle), this body spray ($12) and a lip balm ($7.50). I took a photo, which you can obviously see (and enlarge). So this is what I got for about thirty three bucks on some amazing smelling stuff. My room mate has a bunch of awesome smelling lotions, body sprays, and perfumes from this place and I remember her telling me that Sweet Pea smelled great. But when I went into the store, I didn’t find that I liked it the best, so I picked up some Rainkissed Leaves body spray because it was much cheaper than a bottle of purfume. Oh sigh. I felt a bit terrible once I went to the cash register. But wtf right, I’ll limit myself to this one purchase in March. I’ve done mostly well, right? My room mate was also telling me they have ridiculous bi-anual sales where you can get like 5 things for $25 or something crazy. Right. Let’s get to it then.Off the topic of spending, cause it’s NO BUY MONTH agghhh! lol

If I was a single girl, I think the television set and having a high speed internet set up would make me such a hermit. I’d probably be single forever if that was the case. But it’s not, so:  Happy St. Paddy’s Day to yee all! I’m totally rocking out and wearing green today. Don’t know if my readers know or not. I don’t consider myself Irish, even though Newfoundlanders have a pretty strong Irish accent in certain parts of the province, and my Brother actually resides in Ireland with his wee lass of a wifey, and four Irish boys with such thick accents that I have to ask them to repeat themselves … well, repeatedly. lol.

I’ll be staying at my boyfriends place tonight, and I’m going to make my own chicken quesadillas (which I’ve already posted on the recipe section!) from scratch. But not before I sit down on my butt and watched television for a few hours as he has to do a bunch of workouts before he comes home. That’s the normal regime of a triathelete. PVR (pausing and rewinding live TV) = a huge addiction for me right now! It’s so convenient, especially when you have to pee! I don’t know how anyone could honestly live without it right now.  Mind you, I don’t normally watch a lot of TV through out the week, but I’m glad that I have the option to tape my shows and watch them later on when I’m less busy on certain days. Just yesterday I watched Desperate Housewives from Sunday. Imagine! Have you guys seen the last episode? OMG ABOUT THE GUY! I don’t want to go into detail, in case some people don’t watch it for a week or so like me, and want to catch up.

Do you have any favorite shows that you’d recommend to me? I’m not even used to having access to  cable let alone satellite TV. I’ve always been a huge fan of the TLC network and ‘What Not To Wear’ … I just found out about the cute show Jon & Kate + 8. I’m addicted to Desperate Housewives, Hell’s Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares and House. Guess I like angry men, and dramatic wives? Grass is always greener on the other side, is it? :P Not sure if I’d like that in reality! Now if only I had my boyfriend’s set up at the place I’m renting with his home theatre seating, leather couches, and projector. Uhhhh-mazing.

Imagine if we invested more of our money into getting high definition setup as well. I’ve seen HDTV’s before and the quality is absolutely immaculate. It’s incredible the quality of  it these days. A little while ago I went to a friend’s place who had HDTV, and it’s insane that you can totally see the PORES in people’s faces when they’re up close to the TV. Sometimes, I’m not even sure that I want to see that much detail in someone’s face. But at the same time … TV has come a long way in recent years, look at the prices of theflat screens, and plasma’s these days! I’m not a huge TV person, nor am I a big techy — boyfriend takes care of that aspect for me. I don’t know what sort of stuff to be looking for in TVs.. like 1080p or something to that extent. Whatever. I just enjoy watching whether it be great quality, or okay quality. But to be honest, I’ve only watched shows on really great TV’s lately. Boyfriend has a nice projector set up at his spot, while at my apartment I have a big ol’ TV that seems to the job quite well. (I’ve typed TV, way too many times in this paragraph…)

Stay tuned, for tomorrow’s entry. I’ll be writing about my braces! “One Year Later” as of tomorrow!

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  1. Best way of celebrating St.Patrick’s day is enjoying a pint of Guiness……..everybody should today. (That wouldn´t bread the No Buy Month at all)

  2. It really doesn’t taste like Guinness when you do the Irish Car Bomb though. You’ve got to be brave and chug it like a M** f**er though :/ lol.

  3. Guinness is disgusting, lol!

    I loveeee Jon & Kate + 8! I got my bf watching it too :p

    Those things look yummy :)

    Have a nice night w/the bf and happy st. paddys day!

  4. Ohhh Ash, the pomegranate was soo delicious! I was a bit rushed through the store as I had someone with me… but I really did like that one!

  5. Bath & Body Works is super addicting. Did you smell the midnight pomegranate?? That’s the one hand soap I *LOVE* because it smells SO delicious. Also, there’s a Wallflower plug in in every room here, with coconut something or other. And Velvet tuberose lotion and spray in my purse..yeah, I’m an addict. Doesn’t help that it’s 3 stores down from where I work..

    Guinness is delicious! But I drank too much of it last St. Paddy’s!
    What Not To Wear is my favorite show, but have you watched 17 Kids and Counting? It’s pretty good, despite that they are extremely conservative. Also, I love Chelsea Lately! And HD? I don’t get the big deal about it unless we’re watching sports. Derek gets annoyed if I’m not watching like the news in HD, haha!

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