Went to a Lexus/Toyota dealership yesterday. Boy was looking at lexus’ (IS 350 & IS F models), as I was looking at the grandma corollas. Gotta say, I like the S model of them, and they’re so comfortable inside. Just the ones I was looking at had a lot of mileage on them for how old they were. They dropped the price by 1,200 on a corolla I was eying. Still pretty expensive for an ’05 model though. I’m not set on anything yet, ’cause I haven’t test driven any. Save that for this weekend I think. We’ll see.

Today is supposed to reach a high of 23ºC. I’m wearing my capri’s (or bermuda shorts, as a co–worker worded them) at work and totally taking lunch outside today. I don’t really have anything that interesting to tell you all this morning, so I’m going to leave you all with a playful website I found thanks to some friends. I’ve had way too much fun doing this. The last two images are ones I snapped of my hunky boyfriend. HEE HEE. Visit the site here.

Click images to enlarge!

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  1. Man, it seems everyone is getting or going to get a new car lately! I’m still stuck in my ’86 Bonneville, but I love him…so I guess that’s all right.

    Those pictures are so cute, I’m going to try some later today.

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