
I believe that we have a Saturday ritual when it comes to me and my boyfriends weekend activities. I pack up my weekender tote and walk the short 300 meter commute to boyfriends apartment complex after work on Fridays.

From there, we prepare supper and talk about what we should do  the next day. Though, we both subliminally know that it’s going to be the exact same dealings we did, the week before, and the week before that.

On Saturday, we sleep in and then I wake up and treat him to a nice big breakfast consisting off scrambled eggs, hash browns, and sausages. Sometimes a drop of orange juice too, if there is any in the house. As for me? I can’t eat much in the mornings or I feel ill, so I eat a granola bar or an apple. Of course one would shower, freshen up and put on clothes for the day…

We head out to the Mennonite market and pick up some fresh produce for the week. BF’s swim coach works inside one of the buildings, in the Fish section. We score enough to feed both of us, for two weeks—for much under selling price (love networks). Continue our shopping in the market, and drive home so the fish/produce doesn’t spoil in the heat of the trunk, in the car.

bimmerAfter we drop off the food we head straight out to a car dealership. I bet you’re not surprised. This time, we went to BMW. As I recall I wrote about BF wanting the 135i, pictured to the left.


This time, we took it for a test drive.

The salesman who we dealt with the first time BF staked out the Bimmer, took us and drove first. He casually informed us that he would be driving it a bit more aggressively than one normally would drive. BF and I just looked at once another trying to hold out on grinning to big.

The salesman was demonstrating emergency breaking from 100km/hr (very impressive, BMW lol) driving and exhelarating with two wheels on the dirt road and two wheels on pavement, with no wobbleing in the steering at all. He then told me to hold onto my purse, as I was in the back seat. :)

Squealing with joy and laughter, as he demonstrated how well the vehicle handled on the road. It was glued so tightly to that pavement, no matter how sharp he took those S turns, and no matter how fast he went. My adrenaline was pumping and the BF couldn’t wipe the ear to ear grin off his face while in the front seat, during the test drive. :) After the salesman was done, he parked it and told us “Canada’s Wonderland is now over, for the day.”

Then, it was his time to test drive. Ultimately he was nervous, as he’s only been a passenger in a bimmer before. He started driving and seeing how it worked for him. I gotta say folks, I think I’ve we both fell in love with that machine of a car. BF and I couldn’t stop talking about it for the whole weekend. It was awesome.

Alright enough about that. It’ll probably never be “my” car, and I’d never be allowed to drive it, if he purchased it — haha!

In other car news I also test drove a car on the weekend. The 2010 Corolla S with leather interior and a “moon roof” (why don’t they call them sunroofs anymore? I’m not liking it as much as the Mazda 3. I think it’s the fact that I can’t get over that I feel like a little old lady inside the Corolla. It’s a bit boring compared to the Mazda 3 which is a bit more modern looking inside and out. The Hatchback is the one I’m leaning on at the moment. I can’t get over how much I think about cars in the run of a day. I’m like an male adolescent seeing a nudey magazine for the first time. Thinking about it constantly. Eat, drink, work, sleep cars. lol Ahhhhhh!

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  1. I don´t want to sound like drama but…please,be aware of Bmw’s,…….my father bought 2 different 530d’s and he had a huge accident with the second one. Some electronic traction control device didn´t work properly at about 100 km/h and he made a 360º circle in the middle of the motorway on curve during a rainy day. Thanks God noone came after the incident and he could get out of the car safe. The dealer tried to explain the failure more than a thousand times but we sold the car right after. To end I must say that I see that dealer from my office’s window and when the weather is wet or it snows a lot of crashed Bmw’s arrive to be repaired.

  2. Yeah, the salesman was telling us all about the traction control device and how to turn it on to get more spin on the tires, say if you’re driivng it in the winter and you’re stuck.

    But in all honesty, my Boyfriend doesn’t even drive the car he has NOW in the rain, let alone the winter. He treats every single car he’s owned like a child of his own, and hattttteeess it when it rains on his car lol (like this weekend). I understand your concern though and I thank you for that.

  3. OOoo fresh produce from the market sounds delightful!

    My BFF drives a Beemer, but it’s an older one. But it’s still one of my favourite cars to ride or dive in. Ever.

  4. Haha, the last paragraph made me laugh out loud because thats exactly how I am. My life revolves around cars it seems, I spend so much time driving, always looking at the cars around me, hell I even work at the dealership!

    I’ve driven a lot of different cars, but I havent gotten into a bmw yet. A lexus though, those are more luxory than anything, powerful as well, but just not the same. Anywho, it would be so awesome if he got that car, and if he doesn’t let you drive it, you can always figure out where the keys are ;)

  5. Mmm, farmers markets!

    PS – A sunroof slides directly back, while a moonroof pops up in the back. Mine has a sunroof / moonroof combo, so I can either slide it all the way back and open, or just pop the back up for a little air.

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