All about news


Working at the new Credit Union branch, is a lot more modern and so much more stuff going on since it’s close to the two universities, it’s in the same building that I joined a gym at (not anymore, waiting until January to get a better deal $$$), there’s been charity BBQ’s each week since there is a handful of large tech companies in the vicinity.  There’s even a dentist office in our building. The mall is just two express bus stops away (about 15 minutes) so if I’m running low on eats for lunch, I’ll dart over there. Also, the bus ride to work now is only 11 minutes. No more two buses and 55 minutes of agony in the morning. I’m definitely not the person you should talk to in the morning.

The best part? Google is upstairs.

I just got the tour yesterday because one of the girls came downstairs to the Credit Union with a box of chips. Yeah, potato chips! For us to polish off. They used to throw the bags out because the ‘best before’ date was past due and they just … chucked’em. Now we get them!  Since it was my 4th day at the branch and I had never met this girl before, I got so excited — because I mean, who wouldn’t after receiving 20 bags of chips? I was also given my choice of some swag. I received a super soft blue google t-shirt, a pretty purple pen and some sticky note’s that says google on it. *sigh* I love that place.

My goodies:IMG07645

Oh. I also went to a U2 concert in Toronto on Wednesday. We had floor tickets. I didn’t get many photos but here’s a few that I took while Bono was performing. Second concert I went to (ever, in life lol) and both of them were free from the company my Boyfriend works at. The company bought 25,000 tickets to hand out to staff and family. Score! Last (and free) concert was Van Halen last year or the year before. Bono’s show was pretty good. Since we were on the floor, at times it was difficult to see him sing and dance everywhere. I ended up watching the huge TV screen for a lot of it, but then I tried stopping myself from doing that because… it’s a live concert, I don’t want to be watching the TV of him — I want to see him for myself with my own eyes. He wasn’t too far away from us either, I would have estimated about 100 feet away. Some of the shots I took are of the TV screen since I only brought in my blackberry for fear of my camera being confiscated, and a blackberry isn’t the best for zooming in on a person 100 feet away.


I ended up doing a somewhat impulse purchase out of my visual wishlist that I had sort of been wanting for a while. But I never purchased from their site before, so I was kinda hesitant on sizing. But as soon as I saw it was on sale, I ended up buying it. Not too sure how long it’ll take to arrive, but I’ll be patient and run after the mail lady here at work on a daily basis :)

Wow. Lots of news.

I test drove a private sale Acura RSX during my lunch hour yesterday. The power steering on it was difficult, but took a bit of getting used to. Color? Black (awesome). My thoughts? I think I’ll still wait it out for the Mazda that I’m so set on.

HAPPY FRIDAY! It’s the weekend!

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  1. Thanks! Those sunglasses are the cheapest pair I have ever bought in my life. $9.00. They lasted me about two years and while I was home this summer I was bound to find a replica. I did, and bought two more ‘back up’s of them! For 2 for $15!!! What a steal. hee hee.

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