
pack for home

I’m all about organized list making. Just so I can cross each thing off individually. Here’s just a snippet of what I’m trying to bring. I want to try and pack light (even though I’m a light packer as it is), I want to bring minimal! I’m definitely downsizing my list to not as much underwear/socks/clothing — hello, my parents do have a washer and dryer. Right?

Six more sleeps! My Brother will get off the oil rigs in Newfoundland on December 28th, so at least I’ll see him before he heads back to Ireland to see his fam-jam.

I’m all planned out. I’m going to be uber busy when I’m home this time, and I’m totally in the mood for being extremely socially busy! I went back for a quick visit in August, but I didn’t want to see anyone since I wasn’t in the mood and received some not-so-great news, which is why I flew home in the first place. But regardless of that — everything is good to go, and I’m stoked to see my best bud Trev,  spending time at Starbucks with Johanna, and going for a climb with all my awesome climbing friends! Maybe I’ll end up running into Leanne, at some point with all the hussle and bussle we’ll be doing! I’m a bit sad that Jenna won’t be spending Christmas in Newfoundland this year, as she just purchased a house in Ottawa. I’ll have to drive up and see her now that I have a car and all ;)

I’m in the mood to make some brownies. Who’s with me on this?

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1 Comment

  1. I guess it’s snowing a lot, right? (the shovel pointed that out) :p

    When i’m planning my travel suitcase, i always place the clothes i want to take on my bed and then decide if i need more or less stuff. Works great, since i’m so lame with lists and always forget something.

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