Why you starin’ at me foo’?

colorfulI’m freaking freezing everywhere I go, so I’ve been piling on the layers (along with 2 pairs of socks at any given moment). 

I got a lot of stares from people when wearing this outfit in the past. Not sure whether to feel violated, self conscious, or fabulous. I mean, it’s not that great of an outfit. I’m trying to incorporate more color into my fall/winter wardrobe. Do you still wear your summer clothing throughout the winter and just cover it with a cardy or anything? I’m thinking about busting out this vibrant top, but it may be too summery. Opinions?

13 days til I’m home for Christmas!!

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  1. My working clothes are basicly all black, white, grey, dark blue. =] It’s funny because i love colors, specially blue (I love blue!). Anything on my closet, apart from working clothes, it’s very colorful.

    That top is beautiful, and i think you should give it a try. Maybe with a nice cardigan and black pants or a black skirt?

    By the way, i loved that 2nd ootd link! The top, the pants and the vest look amazing! (I love vests like that) The shoes are great and the bracelet is very cute! Great outfit!

    As for stares, i think it’s a good thing. Maybe they liked the outfit or envy your body?

  2. I hate getting looked out because I never know whether its for a good or bad reason. I normally layer – a lot. I’ll wear a jumper over a bunch of tops or something. There’s nothing wrong with wearing summery colours or patterns in winter. Go for it! I like the top.

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