MAC fiend no more

Does anyone know when the next MAC Cosmetics Friends and Family discount is? Or does it only happen once a year? I had to resort back to searching for MAC products on my website, only to find out that I bought my MAC full sized brushes only in June! Moses. It seems like they’re a year and a half old. I use two of them on a daily basis. The 187 is especially great for applying my Rimmel Foundation and the 134 is what I use to apply my Hoola by Benefit, bronzer.

But I remember MAC having a huge sale right after Christmas and I bought a bunch of things in December 2008/January 2009. They were on crazy steep discount, and I don’t know if it was just a one time deal, or if it was a Boxing Day thing, or what.

Anyone know?

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1 Comment

  1. hey.. I have several MAC threads on the Smart Canucks forum, I was hoping and waiting for the friends and family that they had last January, but it never happened in January this year. There is a MAC warehouse sale in Markham in March. That’s all I know.

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