2 years have passed

Since I had my braces taken off. The last time I went to my orthodontist was 3 months ago, right before I flew home for Christmas vacation. My two retainers ended up breaking at the metal part of the seam. I brought them both into the ortho, but he said it wasn’t a huge deal and I’m probably a night-time-grinder in my sleep. Which I am. My teeth obviously haven’t shifted since the seam break and it works just fine.

teethI love my teeth, and I’m so glad I made the decision to get braces before purchasing a car! Now I have the best of both worlds. My car needs a bit of a bath though, since not having a wash since I bought it!

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  1. Your teeth are soo perfect! I remember reading when you had braces… and when u got them off. doesnt seem like that long ago! awesome tho!

    Nancy says: Yeah! It doesn’t feel that long ago either. Perhaps 10 months have passed. So strange.

  2. Pretty teeth!! I had braces from 6th to 8th grade and I stopped wearing a retainer in high school and so far so good. No shifting…knock on wood! :)

  3. Your teeth are SO white!! I’m jealous. I really want to get braces :( I was hoping to this summer, but things have changed so I don’t know when it will happen.
    Nancy says: Oh no, really? Don’t be putting it off much longer than you have to! You can budget it into your monthly expenses. It’ snot that bad!

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