discount area rugs?

As much as I’m trying to get myself geared up for No-Buy-Month starting tomorrow (oh no! already?), I can’t help but browse websites for furniture that we don’t really need!

Okay, well we need it but I’m not buying it before I buy other things for our apartment. And our apartment is cluttered now and I don’t want to bring any more stuff in even if it is inexpensive Area Rugs for the living room. But it’s so nice on your feet in the mornings, especially when the floors are cold. Wouldn’t you agree?

However, the downside is that I think Alfie would think it was a pee pad and go potty on it. That’s the disadvantage of living on the 7th floor, you kinda need to train the dog for inside. Otherwise the 50 year old painfully slow elevators we use will make his bladder burst. (Whoops. Getting off topic, apologies.)

I mean, I can’t exactly help it though because window shopping is so easily distracting, but so wonderful because of the diverse selection of Rugs available on all these sites. I get in moods where I’m obsessed with something and I can’t stop thinking about it til I buy it, or until I forget about it. Plus, if they’re Cheap Rugs at discounted prices, count me in! That’s saying something, browsing online as opposed to going to stores around you. Because, most times you can get a better deal if you shop around online. I know I’ve gotten many deals that way, and I haven’t looked back since. All of my shopping (well, 95% of it) is done online. It’s the NEW THING TO DO. Know what I’m saying? So buy some rugs online! Put one under your bed, so in the morning (we sleep with our windows open, so it’s chilly in the a.m.) you won’t have to step onto cold floors. Yuck.

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  1. Haha I should clarify… from the clearance section of that page. I haven’t looked at the rest yet, and shouldn’t as I’m supposed to be writing a report.

  2. A fun area rug is the next thing on my list for what I want to get for my place…

    And I should probably enforce a No-Buy Month for myself as well at the rate at which i’ve been currently going! :)

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