Wardrobes and an honest opinion

Remember how I used to post my Outfits Of The Day posts? Well there is a neat little website where you can post photos of yourself and if you’re having trouble pairing pieces together (like myself. Totally uncoordinated), then you can go to Go Try It On” and submit your photo for other people to review what you’re wearing.

Don’t worry, it’s not nasty. People actually give great feedback.

What do you think? Should I do more Outfit Of The Day posts or just keep going like I’m posting now. Let me know!

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  1. I like the outfit of the day posts so cute!!

    also I think you should win some sort of blogger award…. you’ve blogged a lot today! :D love it.. gives me something to read in between screaming kids and diaper changes!:)

    Nancy says: Oh tell me about it. I think I posted so much today due to the fact I wanted them to show up in Google Reader!! HAHA

  2. No…you should start posting it again! I love to see what people wear. As a fashion failure I am always looking for ideas!!!

  3. Nice to see an ootd post.

    I better get a new camera asap, so i can join that site.

    Nancy says: Yes, I think I will start doing the OOTD again. Also, you definitely should post on that site I linked, once you get a camera! :)

  4. Pingback: ootd

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