I have a ton too many drafts saved in my gmail account that I’ve resorted to e-mailing myself reminders instead of saving them in the said draft folder. Once I hit send I go to another tab on Firefox and I’m like “Oh! New e-mail yes!!!” and then I click on my gmail only to be reminded that I was the one who sent that e-mail, to myself.
Does anyone else do this? I think to myself, “Oh. Rightttt.. sad face” and then hit marked as read and star the e-mail for reading or in most cases, commenting on other blogs which may be blocked on computers I’m using throughout the day.
P.S. I don’t think lattes like my stomach. Oops!
1 Comment
Haha I have done that. Usually I will send pix to my email via my cell and then go check my inbox and it says I have 10 new emails and I get all excited, then open it and remember that they were all me.