I eat them til they make me sick…

I freaking love going to Bulk Barn and picking up an assortment of nuts and making my own trail mix.

jumbo flame raisins
walnut halves
chocolate covered almonds
sunflower seeds

salted almonds
brazil nuts

Do you like nuts? If so, do you do make your own trail mix or buy it? I’m not a fan of peanuts (shocking, I know considering how many food bloggers out there LOVEEEEEE peanuts) but I eat them … separately. Not in a trail mix, not in chocolate. Salted, plain, as they are.

Oh, and how do you know if you need a new video card for your computer? My monitor keeps turning yellow. But the Boyf says the monitor plug just isn’t turned in the whole way into the tower. Well — it is, and it’s still turning yellow. Arg.

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  1. mmm…. I don’t make my own trail mix, but I still love that combination of sweet and salty! Usually in granola bar form…

  2. I LOVE trail mix and usually make my own. It usually consists of almonds, raisins and mini dark chocolate chips. Although lately we have been mixing in sunflower seeds in there. YUM! I like peanuts but only mixed with raisins. Just the 2 together gives me that great sweet/salty combination. And yes…I can easily make myself sick on trail mix! :)

  3. I just found out that I am allergic to both peanuts and almonds (my two faves). I am beyond CRUSHED. Since I have never had a reaction yet, I think I will just keep eating them though lol. My doc said neither are severe enough to need an epi-pen.

    IDK what to say about your video card, I know nothing about things like that!

  4. i love trail mix! unfortunately i have a HARD time limiting myself to the proper portion size & could easily down 800 calories worth of that deliciousness!

    Nancy says: Hey!! Thanks for commenting. I read your blog all the time! Over indulging on trail mix – oh I’ve done it countless times. So much so that I buy trail mix only about twice a year now. It’s all gone in no time. No self-control with the nutties! Yuummm :)

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