I’mma chewer

I mentioned this ages ago, but ever since getting my braces off I am a gum fanatic. The only gum that keeps me coming back is the Dentyne Blast, and I can’t find it in “normal” pocket sized packs. Only jars! No complaints here anyway. Have you guys tried it? It has a juicy center when you chomp into the crispy gum (and usually I’m not a fan of the hard gum, more like the sticks of soft gum I used to go for until I found this). But the flavor lasts so incredibly long and it doesn’t loose its elasticity if that makes any sense. I used to go through a jar of gum per week but that got a little ridiculous and I’m not going through 40 pieces that quickly anymore. It’s like I’m addicted to something like the best diet pills for women … but not.

Do you have a favorite chewing gum? Or are you just not a fan of gum at all? I’m interested in trying out some gum from the states. I heard Orbit was pretty tasty, hey? Maybe we should do a swap lol. Someone send me orbit, and I’ll send you Dentyne Blast! Yummers.

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  1. You don’t have Orbit? Oh man…

    I actually just discovered Altoid’s cinnamon chewing gum while in line at Trader Joe’s the other day… it’s fantastic!

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