Soreness, neutering and free wordpress themes

I’m going to have to skip my running class (first time EVER) tonight, so I could rest the stupid pulled groin muscle. It doesn’t feel torn, it just feels crampy and sore. I’ve been stretching it often but I have no idea if that’s what I’m supposed to do, or let it heal on its own. Either way I hope it’ll be better by Thursday so I can at least jog on it a bit and keep up my endurance for my mini 5k run coming up in June! I already signed up. No backing out :)

Alfie is getting so much work done at the vet today. He’ll no longer be a little guy anymore. He’s an IT.

  • Neutering
  • Dew claw removal (one on the back of his hind leg has always looked as if it’s hanging by a thread)
  • Micro chip
  • Teeth removed (Some of his baby teeth have yet to fall out and he has his K9’s already in)

I can’t wait to pick him up at vet after work. I hope he’s not too groggy.

Oh! A few people have asked where I got my wordpress theme here on this blog. No, I haven’t made it myself and I actually ended up getting it from one of those free wordpress themes sites! It’s so easy, just google search it and there’s tons of unique ones to choose from. There’s so many themes that I wanted to use, but I really do like this one and I hate changing it all up because my formatting gets messed up. But whenever you do, go to one of those free sites. Don’t pay for a theme! :)

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1 Comment

  1. poor alfie! hope it all goes well :)

    Nancy says: The vet called my Boyf! Alfie seems to be doing fine, the procedure went well I assume lol, and he has bandages on his back feet from the dew claw removal. Can’t wait to see him!!

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