OOTD June 22

Closeup of the shoes.

I should really move that ottoman hey? It always cuts off my left leg, and I never seem to move it out of the way :)

This is definitely an el cheapõ outfit. Looked much better in my mind than on me (very baggy it seems?). However, that’s the beauty of picking out your work outfits for the week on Sunday nights. Thankfully I did because I usually set my alarm for 6am, and this morning I didn’t notice it go off and once I looked at my blackberry it was 8:14am. Usually I’m all ready to go at that point, needless to say Alfie didn’t get much play time with me.

Tank: H&M (I think it was $9.95!) recent buy – about 2 weeks ago
Sweater: Zara (Roughly $11.00) Whenever I go to Toronto I MUST go into this store, they always have really great prices
Shorts: Old Navy ($29) bought in May.
Shoes: Reitmans ($19) I purchased these last spring and wore them in the rain a few too many times. They’re disgusting and falling apart, but I can’t seem to find any nice black flats. I’m picky.
Watch: my new black stella from Fossil!!!!

I should totally include my purses for these OOTD’s. Even though I only use one on a regular basis (my red one), I’d like to include them. Maybe it’ll pull it together.

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  1. i dont think i know anyone that wears shorts as much as you and makes it look good! haha

    Nancy says: lol it’s because I don’t like skirts and pants are too hot in the summer

  2. CUTE! Everything you wear looks so cute and chic….you need to start a show…how to look like a million bucks without spending a million bucks!

  3. ahhh … please wear a dress or a skirt … give the shorts a break!!! (please take this comment lightly!)

    Nancy says: I know, I need to find more dresses and skirts to wear to work. It’s just that I’m not as comfortable wearing them! Know of any good stores? Haha

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