Shop wisely

How do I save money and still be able to afford the nice things in life?

I save up for it. If I don’t have the money, I don’t buy it. Sure, I buy everything on credit card (to get PC Financial points!!!)  but I always have that money in the bank to pay it off immediately that week, or even when i come back from the shopping trip that day.

Also? Buy things that are out of season. Buying your new winter coats in the spring when there are huge sales. Buy from a wholesale store when you’re looking for a new bistro set (that’s what we did! and we saved money. All of the wholesales, closeouts, liquidations centers deal with seasonal items for when you want to decorate christmas, valentines, easter, halloween . Always great prices when you buy out of season. There are thousands of items all at wholesale or closeout prices. Visit their website is

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  1. Oh, such smart advice, I am definately an “off season” shopper, for me, and the kids…You can find so many nice things for dirt cheap after Christmas when everything is marked down…even my kids have started shopping off season for things like bikini’s, tanks, winter coats, etc…even shoes are drastically marked down…I got an amazing pair of black leather high heel boots at Aldo last week for only 24.00 regular 170.00!

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