Talking: Body Fat Percentage

I wish I had kept my previous fitness assessments from 2007 when I first joined the gym that I’m working out at, now. I remember not seeing a huge difference in my body fat percentage when I had my 3 month checkup at the gym. In fact, I think it went down 0.3%. However, what was great was that I actually lost inches off my butt! Who would have thought I had any fat there! But at that time, I had no idea what I was doing at the gym and was randomly weight training, and doing an immense amount of cardio, it was sickening. I ended up quitting the gym primary because I was boring myself silly and didn’t know what to do.

Finally, I joined the gym again in December 2009 and just started doing structured classes, where I literally didn’t have to think. I just did what the instructor tells us to. It whooped me into shape, and I’m getting in cardio, strength, cycling classes. It’s pretty rad. Honestly, I haven’t really changed my eating habits. I knew this already, but I was told by the Personal Trainer who did my “fitness assessment” that I didn’t need to lose weight. I mean, I’m stick thin as it is, but toning up and getting better endurance with cardio was what I wanted. That, and to have my pants not be tight on my stomach any more.

January 20, 2010:
Weight: 119.4 lbs
Body Fat Percentage: 22.5%
Bust: 33.5 inches
Waist: 28.5 inches (smallest part of waist, so not where my belly button is lol)
Bum/Hips: 37 inches

I had another Fitness Assessment (we get a “free” assessment every 3mths at the gym) on June 14, 2010.

June 14, 2010
Weight: 119.8 lbs (My weight has not changed in 10+ years. Literally. I’m pretty happy about that.)
Body Fat Percentage: 21.8%
Bust: 32.5 inches
Waist: 27.5 inches
Bum/Hips: 36.75 inches

So an easier comparison is some before and afters!

Body Part
Body Fat %
37 inches (at widest part)
36.75 inches
– 0.25 inch
28.5 inches (at narrowest part)
– 1 inch
33.5 (at widest part)
– 1 inch
No change

My Vo2 reading has also improved since January. It went from 39 to 41. Not exactly sure what those numbers mean but apparently it’s good. Also I’m pleased to see my body fat percentage went down a bit, but disappointed about my boobies. Maybe it was from the back and not the front? Let’s hope so! I don’t feel as if my jeans or clothing fit any different but I notice that my sides where my waist/belly button is, narrowing up a bit and getting a bit curvier.  For my weight and height the body fat percentage “desirable range” is between 21-33%, right now I’m at the lower end of the spectrum but still feel as though I have unwanted bits of fat in certain areas of my body!

I have been slacking since April with going to boot camp classes and other strengthening classes. It’d be a neat comparison to see what it does to my body if I start going 4x a week again and get my Fitness Assessment re-evaluated again in September!

It’d be interesting to get your take on this, Kelly! I know you wrote about it a while ago, decoding your body fat percentage.

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  1. Way to go girl! That offers some inspiration, doesn’t it? :) I’ve been working out pretty consistently for about 2 weeks and I’ve already noticed I’ve dropped a couple of pounds, so that is motivation to keep going for me :)

  2. Way to go on all your hard work! I always keep a much closer track on all my measurements vs. my weight…

  3. Hey girly! Okay….so I think that your stats are awesome! You body fat % is fabulous and I think your waste measurments are really great! Your hard work is paying off! I really think you have a handle on what you are doing! (even if you are just following a class…that is what those instructors are trained for!) I also think it is great that you are not focused on a number on the scale but rather on BF%….so much more important!!!! Random question…how tall are you?

    Nancy says: I’m 5’6″ Thanks Kelly! I was waiting for you to say something :)

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