Toronto bound – it’s a long one!

I went shopping in Toronto on Sunday, and decided to venture out of my go-to spot: The Eaton Centre. Instead, when I got off the Greyhound I walked about 20 minutes towards Bay and Bloor and did some shopping in the “uppity” district. Stores like Chanel, Holt Renfrew, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Burberry, Hermès, Tiffany & Co. (which was impressive to see all “locked down”) and Gucci were all along the street. I didn’t bring my camera and my blackberry’s camera doesn’t always work anymore (in the process of getting a new bold!). But I did manage to do some damage on my credit card at Sephora, and Anthropologie! I even walked past the Blo (Blow Dry) Bar (wow their website sucks) that I heard about on the news a few months ago. I wish I were ungodly rich. They had EVERYTHING there. I’m surprised they didn’t have an incontinence products store. Or diddddd theyyyy… Jeesh. The things I talk about on this blog.

Alright, let’s get to’er.

I wikipedia’ed the location and this is what it came up with: Bloor Street commands an average rent of $300 per square foot, making it the third most expensive retail space in North America. Bloor was named in 2008 the seventh most expensive shopping street in the world by Fortune Magazine, claiming tenants can make $1,500 to $4,500 per square foot in sales. Yep. I can see that.

So I first headed into Anthropologie after a slow 20 minute walk up Bay Street. Remember when I blogged about a few items I was eying at Anthro? Little did I know, they had a sales room where I picked up this tee for $39. For some reason (even though it says otherwise online) I thought it was just made out of cotton. Anthro’s sizes are really big. Did you know that? The XS seemed a bit big on me. I also tried on the red and was about to buy it too until I noticed a hole in the back. I ended up getting the top in beige (they didn’t have the purple!). It’s nice. I love it. I can’t wait to wear it.

This brown striped sweater was so ugly and frail looking in person. I looked for this purse but couldn’t find it, not that I would have bought it because it would’ve been over $250. Trying on other tops,  I nearly bought this pink cardy but it was a bit puffy at the hips and made me look semi-big, and  this tank in yellow — it looks GREAT on. Trust me!  But I also wanted to save money for food this week so I could eat. :)

I picked up a cute bowl (I almost snagged them all. But then that would have cost me a ridiculous amount of moulah) and another top which I can’t find online thankfully because it was sort of expensive. TEEHEE. I’m definitely going back when I plan another trip to Toronto. That store is all sorts of wonderful.

They even gave me a little Anthro card! Yay e-mails, catalogs and other stuff!

Second stop? Sephora! After reading so much hype about the wonderful Laura Mercier makeup line, I decided to go and try it out.

(Click to enlarge)

I was color matched (I love being color matched lol) and the SA  (sales associate) at Sephora mentioned that I’d be the color sand. I knew that would be too dark for me because Courtney is that shade and I’m pretty sure I’m lighter than her. The SA at another makeup counter said I look darker than what I am in a foundation color. That’s all bronzer  baby. Anyway I got matched and I picked up the starter kit, plus an awesome mascara that I had a free sample of last time I went to Toronto.

There are so many new foundations out (to me) that I want to try. I was color matched at the Chanel counter the other day and as I mentioned above one SA (which actually was the girl at Chanel) color matched me, and took 3 or 4 tries to get a shade. It was light! I’m light! I pile on the bronzer! Eventually, I want to try the Chanel Pro Lumiere foundation. When I win the lottery. I’m shade #10 which apparently looks like the lightest shade they have online. Wow, I didn’t think I was that pale. Either that or their color line isn’t very diverse.

While I was in Toronto (and after my shopping was done) I met up with some lovely ladies: Noreen, and Kaylee. Kaylee has the sweetest little baby girl, so here is Noreen and I holding her! LOL… awkward.

The three gals. I’m not a giant. They’re just short (I’m seriously almost 5’6″). It was a fun day for sure! We even got some free VH sauce on Yonge/Dundas square, see? :) Hope they taste good!

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