Sunny Saturday

Yesterday (and today really) was such a gorg day. I decided to be productive early in the morning and take Alfie on a 6km walk around one huge block. We covered a lot of ground, but I thought we walked more than that. Mainly because we went for a “stroll”, and it took an hour and a half.

Then later on I decided to try and conquer another kilometer on my runs and do an out and back 3k..

(Pre-run, nobody gets to see the purple faced post-run)

I did do the 6k, and I didn’t do my 10 and 1’s because at minute 9 I stopped at a light for however many seconds, and minute 18 I decided to take the whole two sets of lights and catch my breath, not moving forward at all. So that killed my time a bunch for sure, and I did the 6k in 37:00 even. A bit disappointed when I found out it was a 10 minute mile 6:20/km, but that’s what happens in the heat. The heat slows you down. Then I remembered to myself that not ever run has to be perfect, not every run has to be for distance. You just go, and relax and feel good on those runs and just make the distance. Seriously thought I was speeding through it though… lol

That called for a lot of relaxation.

He was pooped!

I’m not used to going 12k on foot in the matter of an afternoon, that’s what cars are for right?

So I sat on the deck with my pile of magazines that I haven’t gotten to read since May, and just read all but two! Such a fun night.

My running buddy and our “Running buddy #2” — the second one needs a better nickname, are actually out on a run right now. Conveniently running the trail behind my apartment. I declined as I had just woken up not too long ago and was thinking I should meet them half way because they too were doing an out and back. But I decided to skip on it today, but reminded myself not to feel guilty as I just ran last night.

Do you feel guilty if you “miss” a workout? You shouldn’t! I know I’d just miss the hilarious chats that they’d be talking about on the run, heehe!!

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  1. The heat is a killer for pace time… totally. Ick.

    I don’t necessarily feel guilty for missing a run/workout/etc, but I’m still disappointed because I’m one of those crazy kids who just really enjoys doing it…

  2. Tiffany (Hee, hee),

    you did not miss out on much during the return portion of RB#1 and my run yesterday. Well except that RB#1 totally kicked my sweet little butt! I could very likely have blamed the heat for my complete lack of resilience however the realist has to admit that it was more likely due to the copious amount of alcohol I consumed the day and night before. Bloody Pool Parties!

    For the record, I am less likley to punish myself for missing a workout compared to what I feel when I do not challenge myself to complete a workout well and stronger each time.


  3. Too cute….you are such a rockstar! I will admit that I do feel guilty when missing a workout. I have gotten into such a routine of working out Monday thru Saturday and then taking Sunday off that if that someone doesn’t happen I feel off and grumpy.

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