Oh hi… I have returned.

Yayyyy!!!!! I’m  back in the blogging world. I’ve been tweeting throughout my whole vacation in case anyone didn’t/doesn’t follow me.

When the alarm went off on my dresser this morning, I had forgotten that I was home in Ontario so it spooked me a bit.  Today was my first day back at work and it was so incredibly busy. A good type of busy where the day flew by and I almost forgot to take lunch and I decided to finally eat at 2pm!!

I can’t get over how many blogs I haven’t read in the 12 days that I was gone. My Google RSS feed says I have 1000+, so I don’t know the exact number. But I think I’ll skim through most blogs and of course not read all of them. So anyway, I will have a full re-cap and photo post coming up later this week. But for now I need to unpack all the groceries that I just went out and purchased and then make supper. After — perhaps I’ll make some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

Until then…I leave you with some pictures to gawk at.

Jasper, Alberta

On top of a mountain taking the Tramway in Jasper Alberta, 1304 metres (4279 ft) above sea level. It was bitter cold, and snowing on top. I mean, look how high up I was!

At the base of Mount Edith Cavell just two days ago!

Walking to the base of Edith Cavell.

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