Tuesday’s outfit was styling, but I was overheated. The sweater I’m wearing is warmer than it looks and the boots had to come off when I was sitting at my desk. I should really watch the weather forecast to see what the day calls for. Today I’m wearing the shirt that I reviewed here, it’s super nice and comfy.

[click to enlarge]

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  1. I know i’m repeating myself, but i have to say all outfits look great. Tuesday and Friday are my top favourites. The boots sure adds a “spicy” on the outfits. That tuesday sweater is very cute indeed and the blue shirt from today looks amazing. Plus i’m a sucker for blue stuff.

    Monday iss also a great outfit. The leggings + boots was a very sexy choice. Wed and thursday look confortable and right. Can’t go wrong with those.

    Nancy says: Thanks Aline!

  2. I LOVE your Tuesday and Friday outfits!! I really see your style evolving! Your outfits look great! I really wish I could get myself in the habit of doing something like this. But I’m afraid (rather I know) I’d see a repeat of lots of items…which might help me to stop that, haha

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