D-TROIT: I knaoo what the po po looook like.

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Weekend trip to the state of Michigan. Detroit is about a 3.5 hour drive from our place and we went to the Detroit Auto Show to see the unveiling of BMW’s 1M coupe. The car my Boyfriend is eying. It would only seem fitting to start with that photo first.

I had to see what the drivers seat was like.

Now, back to the beginning.

It’s been a while since I crossed the border to visit the United States. I went a little snap happy.

Loved going through the underground (under water?) tunnel. There was even a line on the walls that separated Canada from USA. Hilar!

I was excited to see Hyundai’s set up. Mainly because I was sucked into the visualization of the bright sparkling LED lights set up on the walls. Magnificent! Also love the concept SUV shown up top. Check out the crazy wheels.  I swear, cars within the next few days are going to have “design your own cars/decals” like the bottom one shown.

Notice Hyundai’s new color scheme for their new car, Veloster?

Century White, Ironman Silver, Triathlon Gray, Ultra Black, Marathon Blue, Electrolyte Green, 26.2 Yellow, Vitamin C, Boston Red. Awesome!!

Of course there was some insane cars too like the Lexus LFA which no one was allowed to touch, but there were finger prints everywhere on the car of course. What an ugly color yellow. It was more banana-y-orange than this.

Neat fancy lights at Lexus too.

Mesmerized. Those lights were blinding. I loved it.

Doesn’t the photos look fake? Ha.

Speaking of blinding — Mercedes had a matte neon green paint on one of their SLS’. It literally hurt my eyes to look at it.

Porche, even had a lovely chat with an older man about Porche’s. Check out the bottom right hand pics, I’m giggling away lol.

Oh, did I mention that the Detroit policemen were friendly too? It looks like I’m the one interrogating him.He was a cool man, and even has a cottage in Chatam Ontario, and loves “some Chinese restaurant in London….” which he couldn’t remember the name of. lol

Honda was cool with a lounge set up. Check out the lady napping in the corner there. Ha! I also took advantage of the green screen at Honda and honda’d myself out. A bit pixely, but check out my hawt pink car I be pimpin. Reminds me of this photo, don’t you think?

VW was getting all into twitter — and if you tweeted about their set up, cars, or anything else related to them they’d give you a t-shirt. Unfortunately, I’d get charged a buttload of roaming fees and data charges for being in the states. No go for me, but it was at least fun to play around in that area!

Scion is a really nice car. If I didn’t have one, I’d consider the TC in the color cement. We don’t have Scion’s available to us yet in Canada. Though, I have seen them around. I love how inexpensive they are and they come with a full package deal.

Do your own Toyota Prius commercial? I chickened out. I’ve seen commercials like that where they grab clips from these type of shows and put them into a commercial. Gimmie a swally and I’ll have no trouble getting in front of the camera, ha ha!!

Some ridiculous cars, like Maybach — we joked that the person rich enough to buy this car wouldn’t even drive it himself. Check out the curtains on the back, and the carpet on the floor. Also, the tesla: gray car in the middle, is a beaut. There’s one rolling around here in this city that I snapped a pic of this summer.

Along with Bentley, where you were allowed up to the show room by Invitation Only, and the colors of the cars weren’t paint chips, but rather silky curtains to choose from to see the “paint swatches”.

Kia had some concept van with crazy seats with wooden floors. Calling the Jetsons! Or spin those office chairs. Whichever…

Chevy, GMC and some other American brand of vehicle had a DJ booth set up.

Maserati … nice car (I’m running out of things to say lol)

And finally, of course — the Auto Show wouldn’t be complete without a Ferarri and a blonde tanned model. I think this was Scott’s favorite booth ha ha!! A lot of the men were taking mostly shots of this girl. How awkward. One middle aged man even scrapped my back with his elbow, trying to get in close to get a zoomed in shot of her lower half. Nice…

Just call us the Simpsons — we’re pretty yellow in this pic! Here we are taking a break at the end of the day, popped a few Advil for my (what I think was) my very first migraine. I just assumed it was standing for 9 hours with bright lights and no food.

I think this one was my personal favorite. Something almost affordable, and quite luxurious. I loved the Lexus 450 SUV. It was so gorg inside.

One final photo of the conference center, and me standing in the Ford area.We filled up my gas tank with some cheap American gas (about 30 cents less per litre), and I totally enjoyed the personal TV entertainment we had to watch while we filled up.

I also grabbed some American chocolate bars and gum that we can’t get in Canada. Exciting!

I was so amazed at the massive selection of gum flavors that Orbit has out! This one is called Sweet Mint and is the only one I’ve opened as of yet. So far, so good — tastes great.  I ended up tweeting about the American chocolate bars and gum so much so that Amy and I are going to do a Canada/USA candy swap! Did you know American’s can’t get all these goodies?

  • Smarties (ok, you guys can… but ours tastes way better. Think M&Ms but not)
  • Aero
  • Aero mint
  • Crunchie
  • Coffee Crisp
  • Ketchup Chips

So much more.

Ok The end! Get it???

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  1. Orbitz sweet mint is my all time favorite gum flavor. I sometimes have to cut myself off because I am seriously kill a pack in no time flat. And um…ketchup chips..yes please!! I also wanted to say that Lexus is my all time favorite car…Ideally I would love to sport a Lexus IS250…I ask for it for Christmas every year but Santa (a.k.a Keith) obviously doesn’t think I am being a good enough girl! haha!

    Nancy says: Maybe I’ll send you a bag for your birthday, haha!! I totally remember you saying that the Lexus 250 was your favorite car. How’s that blog post coming along? ;)

  2. BMW in the late 80’s and the 90’s were the best. They looked so great and imposing. They still catches peoples attention today. Never liked their designs after it started being so curvy.

    Anyway, you both seem to have a great time. You always look great together.

    And yes, Ferrari fans are so childish and vulgar.

    PS: Loved your outfit. Boots + Jeans + White shirt + cute cardi = winner =]

    Nancy says: And I’m the complete opposite. I HATE the BMW’s in the 80’s/90’s.

  3. I know you don’t like taking snaps do you? hahaha Luv the one of Scott kneeling getting the best angle. Turning pro soon I suppose. Looks like you both had a great time.

  4. I can’t believe you’re that close to Michigan! If you’re ever up for another road trip let us know and we’ll arrange another blogger meet up like the one we’re having on the 11th! :)

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