Last night I was in the mood for something more hearty than what I’ve made the past few next. I can still taste it – it was so good. I was definitely in the mood for some garlic bread and baked potatoes.With a little special chocolate drizzled on top of strawberries for dessert.

Now onto my first outfit of the work week for 2011.

Enjoy your weekend everyone! I’m off to unpack my second suitcase since I was feeling tired and lazy this week, along with some laundry and tidying up.

What does everyone have planned? Singing at a bar with the karaoke machine perhaps?

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  1. Hey girl! The food seems delicious. I love strawberries.

    OOTWW is back, and you continue to make great outfits. The tuesday one is very nice. The top and boots are perfect – i probably said that countless times.

    Loved the colors from wednesday. The black top and the belt really adds a nice mix with the pants and the cardi is great. A nice match.

    Loved the red jacket/cardi and necklace from thursday.

    But my favourite one is friday. I always told you to wear skirts more often, and that outfit you created is just amazing. The skirt is gorgeous and i loved that belt you choose. The top and jacket really stand out with the flower, and the tights really adds a sexy touch. Also the shows are very cute.

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