Wordless Wednesday | Random Fact

Kickin it old school with the photos. Here are some photos of me back in College, it was a birthday celebration for me at Jungle Jim’s. I think in 2005?

Random fact: I miss climbing, a lot. But CrossFit definitely makes up for it. You get the same type of “zoning out” feel as you’re doing your Workout Of the Day with CrossFit, as you do with climbing. You hear/see no one when you’re “in the zone” as we used to say when I climbed, lol.

Psst. Come back later today for a giveaway!

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  1. What did you do when you climbed? Boulder or top rope & lead? Are there many sport routes in NFL? Or is it all trad? I’ve heard the rock in NFL is pretty amazing.
    I’m climbing tonight (indoors). :)

    Nancy says: Great ice climbing (never done it).

    Great trad (Never done it).

    Amazing sport climbing (haven’t done so outside).

    Great top ropes, indoor and out (I have done this lol).

    Great bouldering spots – so manyyyyyy.

    Terrific rock.

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