My CrossFit Journal (week 7)

I really dislike interrupting my scheduled workouts. This week, 3 times I ended up going to CrossFit, which isn’t bad in retrospect. But it felt like days between. Which it was. lol…


Week 7 Day 1, Sunday.

4km run with a few of us!

CrossFit classes aren’t scheduled for Sunday’s but for the month of April they’re going to start doing short runs (3-4k) and long runs right after (about 10k). In May I think they’re going to switch over to cycling. Since I’m not interested at all in cycling and I don’t have a bike I guess I’ll have to do my own thing. It’ll be okay, because Soccer starts in May and we’ll be playing on Sundays.


Week 7 Day 2, Monday.

Hang Clean

What it looks like:

I had no idea that we were even doing our workout this day. It was so subdued and calm in the gym that night. I spent most of my time gabbin’ away with the girls and doing a handful of Hang Cleans. I suppose I ended up doing 6 rounds of 3. It sure did feel like a long time I was there “not working out” lol. The warm up had me sweating way more than the work out. Isn’t that funny?  Since this was only a one-workout workout, I decided to find a video on YouTube and embed it so I didn’t have to find illustrations and crop them in photoshop and paste them in here and then go “oh, I found this on google” so hopefully you’ve enjoyed the video!


Week 7 Day 3, Saturday.

Fight gone bad” was the name of the WOD and it’s taken from The Fight Club movie, where you do three rounds and 5 mins per round.

1 min push press
1 min burpees (or Row)
1 minute wall balls
1 minute SDLHP (Sumo Deadlift High Pull)
1 min box jumps
1 min rest (soo so needed lol)

What the workout looked like:

My first round I did 74 in total (keep adding up your reps even when switching to the next ‘station’). Second round I was out of breath and the push press felt difficult. Instead of pushing out the burpees like I did in the first round, I ended up doing rows. For rows, you do not count the rows but rather the calories that you burned… and count that for your round. It was low… I ended up doing 62 my second round. Third round I knew I was close to the finish so I pounded out some good SDLHPs and box jumps and made it to 73!!

Some days you just feel off and today (Saturday) I knew from the get-go that I was going to have an off day. I couldn’t even skip for a warm up without tripping over my feet and my glutes and hamstrings felt soo heavy. Back at it tomorrow!!

[ older CrossFit journal entries ]

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