I’m glad it’s the weekend! It’s been one hectic week. Monday I was miserable, Tuesday during lunch I went and got my hair dyed all back to a black-brown color, Thursday was a really busy evening with the CEO from work retiring, oh and I still hate my hair. It’s too stark against my pale skin. Rough week haha.

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  1. Use dove dish soap to wash your hair. It lightens the color. I dye my hair every month and it turns black every time wahh.

  2. Soooooo elegant and sexy on Thursday, you ought to feel proud of your new hair colour. You look so sparkling on Wednesday with your pony tail , a different Nancy to me.

  3. Hum…this is hard…I like them all! But I am going to say that Tuesday was my fave! But I really really like your hair on Wednesday!

  4. I actually really, really like your hair! However, I know dying your hair dark is really hard to get used to. Anytime I’ve done it, I’ve hated it right away and it’s taken some getting used to. It looks really good on you though :)

  5. Oh darn. You gave up on the orange. He made it such a hassle I gues it wasn’t excitging anymore haha. That booger.
    Your hair still looks great!It’s much better without wings :)
    Love Wednesday.
    Except I’d probably ruin that white sweater haha. I’m a big food-dropper.

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