Corn all week

I tried to make as many veggies with my supper as possible last night. Last minute I decided to fry (? – it was in a pan with butter. I guess that’s frying… is that a bad thing?) up some mushrooms with salt, pepper and a bit of margarine. They tasted SO good but I’m glad I only did six slices between us. Overload.

This is my creation from last night. The boyf doesn’t like corn so I’m going to have to be eating a lot of corn this week. Corn in Ontario is so much better than the corn back home in Newfoundland. Sweeter, fresher, crunchier, butterier.

What’d you eat last night? Or what are you making for supper tonight? I have no idea what I’m going to make for a meat. But I’m thinking of corn (obviously), salad with fresh mushrooms and maybe I’ll have to go out and buy some chicken. I wonder if pasta will work, thinking of vodka penne. I don’t think corn would go with pasta, right?

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  1. I had chicken & veggie soup with salad. Soups rock my socks and I never tire of them. You should check out my chicken tortilla soup recipe. It includes chicken AAAAAND corn ;)

  2. I love corn! I didn’t know it was out yet and I feel like running out to buy some, for me, I could have corn with corn for supper, but, my husband is also not a corn fan. I wonder if the corn love is from having bad corn back in Nfld then tasting the real deal when moving here?

    Nancy says: My corn wasn’t as sweet and the package said it came from the USA but didn’t say where. But I have seen fresh corn at Sobeys – where you “pick” your own. The one I made last night came in a pre-package thing.

  3. Love summer for fresh veggies! Am so excited to have my own garden this year. Corn is awesome from rural roadside stands. :-) Peaches and cream yummy!

  4. I had ground beef and asparagus. I literally think I ate a half a cow. It was perfect. :)
    I cannot wait to come back to Ontario corn! x

  5. You just popped up on my linkedin saying I should add you haha BUT due to your previous post…I did not :)

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