My weekend wrap-up

What did you do this weekend?

My Boyfriend and I went opening night to Fast Five (a Fast and the Furious movie), and while it was just ‘ok’, I still enjoyed eating popcorn and root beer and going out with the Boyf for an evening.

Saturday afternoon we went to a car dealership to look at some Bimmers and test drive them. We took the M3 for a test drive, and it was pretty awesome. He has been looking for YEARS (I’m talking 5+ years) for a BMW, and knows the in’s and out’s, moreso than most of the sales people we approach, hah. Me? I just stand there and look for flaws. This M3 was used, and I’m good with picking out little nit-picky things that are wrong with it. Hey, it’s a good negotiation tool!

This is the car we went down initially to see, but it was well used inside, and everything was worn out and driven hard so it seems. It reminds me so much of a James Bond car, don’t you think?

Since I was bored when Scott was doing both of our taxes (last minute as they were due April 30 at midnight)I wanted to play around with my hair and do the Lauren Conrad braid. This is so difficult for me to achieve because one, my hands are gimpy trying to do anything with my hair, and two — my hair is fine and I look bald when I try to do it since it separates my braid from the rest of my head leaving a huge part. Thankfully this turned out okay, and enough to make me willing to try and do this once again.

Alfie got his pet bowl dishes washed. He looks quite concerned that I cleaned them, haha!

Oh, and? I forgot to show you my deals that I got at Home Sense/Winners. I was in the bathroom section of Home Sense and I’m really on a white porcelain/ceramic kick lately and I saw this cotton ball or qtip holder and I knew I had to buy it for holding tea, or even sugar for the kitchen. Then that same trip, I noticed an adorable tea pot! They matched so I purchased them both and now they look like they’re from a set. How cute, right? Grand total $25.

I can’t wait to have a spot of tea. Pep pep!

Then tonight I had a video chat with my Brother and Sister In Law! We were chatting for a good hour. Nice to see some family face-to-face again. Last time I saw them was Christmas (they’re over 3,000kms away)!

Ooh and I almost forgot to mention I did my second self-tan again this afternoon. I’m back to being brown and tanned! I should really take before/after pictures on how much a difference this really makes on your skin. Maybe I’ll do that the next time, ha.

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