CrossFit on the brain

I tweet about CrossFit a lot. I go to CrossFit a lot. I blog about my CrossFit weekly workouts each Saturday. I didn’t even know what CrossFit was in January. I’m on my 20th week of CrossFit this week, meaning I first joined at the end of February. I guess you could say I drank the CrossFit Kool-Aid ;)

Today, I’m going to show you some of my favorite images I found on some sites, primarily found on Pinterest and pinn’ed so to speak. (Follow me on Pinterest!).

Kipping pull ups. One of my favorite things to do (I’m serious).

Handstand pushups. I haven’t learned how to do the pushup part yet, but I’m holding the handstands for 30 seconds!

This looks tough. Haven’t had to carry sand bags up a dirt hill before.

What everyone feels like after a hard CrossFit workout.

I’ve found some great images on a tumblr account perfectly named Thrustr.

Last week I had to flip a tractor tire because my second 200m sprint was slower than my first. That shiz is heavy!

The face of concentration.

I’m planning on writing a blog post on what CrossFit is, and why I enjoy going so much. But there’s so much to say I don’t even know where to start.

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  1. That looks like a very demanding / pushing workout. How long are you doing it?

    I bet that some parts of your body, like the arms, thighs, butt and abs got rock hard and super defined! So, congrats on the hard work.

    Nancy says: Usually we run 200-600meters to warmup our legs and then we do a half hour warmup which is killer sometimes. The workout only lasts as long as it takes you do to the workout itself. With CrossFit you pump it out as safe/accurate as possible with doing it as fast as you can. Workouts usually last about a half hour at the most. So you’re really at the CrossFit place for about 45-50 minutes doing something.

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