Favor to volunteer

Hi readers!

I have a favor to ask any of you, or many of you if there are more than one that responds. I’m going on vacation twice in August and blogging may or may not be sparse depending on if I have volunteers to do a few guest posts for me. I’m thinking if you have a blog post you’d like to write, it’d be best to have it in to me by August 2, 2011. I just ask that it be a unique blog post (and not one that you’ve written/published elsewhere as it’ll ruin both of our SEO in google… and that’s a bad thing lol.

Pretty please? Anyone up for it? Want to have your blog (you don’t even need to have a blog!!) featured here? Let me know either in the comments below or e-mail me if you prefer!

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  1. Does it have to be about anything specific!? Lol

    Nancy says: No of course not! You can blog about whatever you’d like! Just send me a blog post by e-mail by August 2nd! :)

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