Week 23 Day 1.
Floor Bench Press
I think my max is 70lbs. I tried lifting 75lbs and got 2 in, but managed to fail on the third. I tried multiple times after a break but just couldn’t. The bar wouldn’t move, and I just laughed! It went nowhere!
The warmup was fun but I hated it. That’s an oxymoron if there ever was one. It ended up being 3 rounds. I brought a 12kg kettlebell with me:
ran 100 meters with the 12 kilo kettlebell. Much harder than you’d think it’d be.
10 kettle bell swings
run 100 meters
10 thrusters with the kettlebell.
Moses. I was so glad it was over when it was. My arms killed.
Week 23 Day 2.
400m run
10 thrusters (I used 45lbs)
10 knee to elbow (strict. Meaning: no swinging yourself into the position)
10 supines
Week 23 Day 3.
15 med ball burpees
15 overhead lunge with the med ball
15 cleans with the med ball
Do this twice.
Then 8 rounds of:
swim strokes (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off til the 8 rounds are complete)
Kettlebell get ups…. With 8 kilo kettlebell. (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off til the 8 rounds are complete)
The kettlebell get ups are hard on the abs! You have your kettlebell in your arms, with your arms fully extended. Keep them above your head. Do a sit up, keep the kettlebell up above your head. As you can imagine the first few I was grunting super hard to get my situp in. lol
Why is it that sometimes the warmup feel ss much more harder than the workout? lol
8 rounds every 2 mins
200m run (I think my fastest time was 40secs — the very last round)
10 tru pushups…keep your elbows back. I did them on my knees since they worked my triceps really hard and I felt like I couldn’t do them on my toes lol
1 Comment
Nance, did you take “before photos” before you started crossfit? You’ve got to be noticing changes. It would make an awesome post!
Nancy says: No, I didn’t actually – because I really wasn’t happy with my body (belly area) then lol.