Online auction and bake sale for Susan

Blogger Live Auction & Bake Sale
8am- 11pm (EST)

On Monday, July 25, there will be a live auction and bake sale!

My great blog real life friend (now that we’ve met!) was dealt a really crappy deck of cards lately. First with her shattered elbow, and now was recently diagnosed with Lymphoma— in other words, cancer. Those words hit home as a few of you know my Dad currently battles cancer, and I’m not one to talk much about it. I’m never good in these type of situations and like Morgan, I often just try and make humor out of it all and not dwell on it itself.

One of Susan’s great friends has come up with a fundraiser for Susan which I think is absolutely perfect. An online bake sale and auction of various things. She just started a new job after moving home and while Canada does have a great health care system, because she doens’t have health insurance yet some drugs may or may not be covered. All of the proceeds will go directly to Susan. 

Susan is currently in Hospital and updates us all on various things from crummy hospital food, to her two surgeries in one week. She’s a toughie, that’s for sure. If you want to hear her full story view her site at The Great Balancing Act, as she is a much better writer than I am giving you all the run down.

Janetha explains it well on her site for the fundraiser. Just click that banner on the top of this blog post and you can read all about it there.

We ♥ you Susan! :)

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