Recent purchases…

New nail polish loves!

I went to a new pedicurist, a lady from Cambodia. She’s amazing, but more expensive than my regular Viet lady that I go to ($35 compared to $20).Anyway for some reason I couldn’t go to my regular girl, so I went to this new place my co-worker recommended. I picked out the brightest polish on her nail polish rack for my toes. It’s China Glazes summer 2011 polish called Flip Flop Fantasy.


It looks great on toes, even if you don’t have a tan — it still makes your feet look dark! As the reviewer posted, it’s quite hard to capture, since it’s pretty neon. Nail polish in general is hard to photograph. I liked the color so much that I ended up buying it at Sally’s Beauty Supply store for $6. I’ve never heard of Sally’s before, and my co-workers went there one time during their lunch break and came back and told me about their deals. I’d say! It’s a discount store, with brand new stuff! I even bought a teasing boar bristle hair brush. But that’s another post for another time.


My second polish I picked up was at the local Sephora. It’s called Sephora by OPI — Iris I Was Thinner. I don’t know why I purchased it. Probably to go on my toes. I did wear it on my fingers for about a week. Which is rare, since i”m not a fan of anything but neutrals on my fingers.

Any new colors you’ve been trying out lately?

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  1. I totally thought that those pink nails belonged to toes. I was creeped out.

    Nancy says: HAHAHAHA That would be so gross.

  2. the first color is beautiful.
    I actually picked up a bunch of nail polish from Avon. I currently sporting a color called viva pink.

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