Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

I’m not sure how many people actually know what I do as a living. I’m a Graphic Designer and I also am involved in Marketing. I am the only designer here, and I work at a place where there are three office in three neighboring cities. Tri-city area if you will. Every few months we have a staff meeting at a local conference center and we talk about work related things, like you would at a staff meeting. Mid-September was our last meeting and at the end of it one of the management asked the staff to volunteer to start a Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign. I raised my hand and took everything over.

Since I’m on twitter all of the time, I contacted a few companies from there and got a few prize donations generously sent to me. Since that head start I then ended up calling local companies to support the cause. Everyone was SO helpful and willing to help out.

This is the poster that I’ve designed to get the word out for our staff to support Breast Cancer Awareness month.

I presented the “ECU lottery” poster at the staff meeting which was on the 19th and announced everything then. I think everyone was impressed with all of the goodies that they were eligible to win. 14 amazing prizes!

An e-mail went out where I explained how they win, where the staff came back at me like it was a stag and doe type of raffle. I suppose you could classify it as that. You can buy as many tickets as you’d like, scroll through all of the 14 prizes, fill out a ballot and place your name in the envelopes. At the end of the campaign, I will draw names out of those numbered envelopes and pull winners! Exciting, right?

On the 28th I asked the staff to wear pink and then that would be the FUN DAY. Where hors d’ourves were being catered in, pizza for lunch was getting delivered, 8 spa gift cards were given out and 14 prizes that everyone “bid” on. Here are some photos from Friday.

Julie made some cupcakes and sold them for $1.00 each!

Amy, my bosses daughter who works with us — took all the photos for the day. This is her and I posing with the amazing treats. They were delicious ;)

Hayyy I’ve got cupcakes for booblets!!!!

Julie (remember her from earlier?) was excited that she won the $200 hair product gift basket shown below.

We screamed, we cried, and jumped for joy.

Then, fell over and laughed some more. Oopsie!

Sitting at my desk, busy busyin’ away…

Here are just some of the 14 prizes that were donated by companies from all over! Obviously I blurred out my full name, along with some other things I don’t want people seeing, ha!

Oh, I guess I should show you all of the amazing prizes.

Me with all the 14 prize donations for 35 staff, good chances to win!

I cropped my co-workers out who don’t know about my blog, and I’d rather not say “Hey can I include your photo on my website?”  lol But here are a number of staff drawing names for the prizes…

I’m really proud of myself for taking this from start-to-finish. We raised a total of $733.00 — Everyone loved it and I’m ecstatic to hear that. :)

It was SUCCCHHH a long day though. So exhausting!

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  1. I love it! How frikking cute are you with your pink shorts and bras! HAHAH! Great idea. You are just the cutest. Now post the pics of Mary Katherine Gallager pleaseandthankyou. ;)

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