Damp climate = dry hands?

Damp climate = dry hands? Well that doesn’t make sense, does it?

I forgot to pack lotion when I flew home to Newfoundland over the weekend to spend time with my family during Thanksgiving. I guess no matter the weather conditions, my chalked-up hands from CrossFit and Climbing require moisture at every moment. My trip was from Friday evening to Wednesday night, the trip was long enough that it didn’t feel too short, and wasn’t overly too long of a stay. I spent oodles of time with my nephews (ages 5 and 3) and have a ton of adorable photos to show you all. Sneak peak? Aw, well ok!

Homemade pizza’s with Ancy Nancy (that’s what the little guy calls me since he can’t pronounce the T).My little fellas hanging out on the couch with me at my parents place. There’s a funny (to me) story about this little red wagon the boys found at the mall. I’ll have a special post dedicated to my trip this weekend, or maybe next week. My boyfriend Scott didn’t end up going with me back to our home – he’s from Newfoundland as well. He’s saving his vacation for Christmas. Smart man, I say. Anyway, relatives and friends were all checking out my ring finger in case there were any unexpected engagement rings on it. Sorry to disappoint! It’s still bare, ha ha!

I returned back to Ontario late last night and had a very busy at work. Very busy evening too, which included volunteering by belaying (holding the rope at the climbing gym) for a party. The system they have going at most (?) climbing gyms, is that they have the regulars come in and volunteer to belay for a few hours and in return we get to climb for free! Sweet deal if I say so myself.

There ya have it… I’m back to regular blogging once again. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s OOTWW even though it’s only for two days, today and tomorrow’s outfits. I love short weeks :)

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