My CrossFit Journal (week 33)


Week 33 Day 1.

5 rounds: given time: 20 minutes

50 Double unders (I did 150 regular skips since I can’t do DU’s)
10 Snatch Lifts; 95/65lbs  (I used 30lbs for this, and everything else below)
10 O/H Squat; 95/65lbs
10 Snatch Push Press; 95/65lbs
10 Snatch Balance; 95/65lbs

I’m too lazy to search for images this week. So I’ll explain, and if you’re interested – continue on!

Snatch lift is a dead lift position and your movement remains the same, but your hands are out further. Like your overhead squat hand-position.
Overhead squat is exactly what it is. You have your weight above your head, lock out your shoulders and squat down. Keep your balance! This one is the hardest move!
Snatch push press, we had weight resting on our shoulders. Dip your knees and push your weight above your head, and poke your head out “through the window”. Full movement, done.
Snatch balance this one seemed easier than the overhead squat and I’m not sure why since it’s basically the same. Weight starts off on your shoulders, dip your knees, push the weight above your head like the overhead squat, and drop down into a squat, then push up and stand up straight. Fast movement. Made my wrists kill!

I only ended up getting to the beginning of the 4th round. I completed the 150 skips, the 10 snatch lifts and got to four overhead squats before the time ran out. My shoulders killed, and I swore … a lot. Under my breathe of course.  Tough workout.


I ended up only going to CrossFit once this week. I was going to go back on Thursday for a session, except I went home sick half of the day. Too bad. I’m going to have to get some sort of schedule that even’s out between CrossFit and Climbing…


[older crossfit journal entries]

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