Hey guys — It’s thanksgiving weekend and I’m going to head back to Newfoundland for it! I’m hoping on a 3 hour plane ride and I’ll be back at my parents place in no time.

Suitcases packed. The large/regular sized suitcase has nothing but goodies for my family, oh and some climbing gear. The small carry-on has my clothes and shoes for the next 5 days. Hee!

Blogging will be sparse and regular blogging will resume mid-next week! Have a great Thanksgiving Canadians!

Onto my OOTWW:

I totally looked like an equestrian on Tuesday. Whoops.

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  1. Maybe its because I am from Kentucky, the land of horses, but I love your outfit on Wednesday. I also love your hair–has a little wave to it! :)

    Nancy says: Thanks Jill! I curled my hair with the straightener. It took a tremendous amount of time. It also lost its curl by lunch time lol :(

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