I flew home from October 7-12 last week to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family back home in Newfoundland. The trip was fantastic and I spent the majority of my time with my two youngest nephews who are 3 and 5. It was also a damp, drizzly windy cold weekend when I went home, and of course the tropical flowers were not wilting/dying in Ontario where the weather was hotter than the hottest day of summer. Half jealous I missed it. I ended up getting to Toronto airport two hours before I needed to be there. There was an incident with the Security, which held up lines for hours and hours. I thought that going there early I’d at least make my flight. But by the time I got there, everything was cleared up and I had 2 hours to kill. So I picked up some supper. It was disgusting.
I also did a bit of Christmas shopping at Lush. It was wonderful. Except for the fact they charged me for an extra bath bomb and I didn’t realize it until I was in another province.
I got little sleep on Friday night as I arrived home at about 4am. I couldn’t contain my excitement so I woke up at about 7am so I could drive over to my Brothers house to hang out with my nephews. First, my Mom and I got a few groceries, then headed to the broski’s house where I played with my nephews for hours til lunch time came along. We made mini-pizzas!
Kelan enjoyed it! He’s also sporting the purple Dinosaur shirt I gave him for his birthday a few months back. Score 2 points for Ancy Nancy. Kelan LOVES the color purple and also likes Dinosaurs. Dude.
Wicked.Ruairi also loved his pizza. Mister Chatster-McChatty didn’t make a peep at all when he was chomping down.
After lunch I strapped the kids into their car seats and headed out on an adventure to the mall! Ruairi has the best names for his stuffed animals, and ended up naming the Sock Monkey I gave him: Mr Murphy. Except he calls it Mistuh Muh-fee. So cute.
At the mall Kelan spotted this kids cart. I told him to go claim it. It was literally across the hall and he was darting, weaving in and out of “traffic” (people) and hopped right in until I walked over. I almost keeled over in tears laughing at him racing through to claim the fire truck cart.
Isn’t it super cute? It definitely kept them from running away from me at least.
The boys got thirsty so I bought them a cherry slushie. I took the first sip, just to test if it was safe enough for them to drink ;) Of course, it brought back memories… and I wanted to drink it all on them. But I shared.
On actual Thanksgiving Day everyone came over to my parents house and of course I took a monstrosity amount of photos, to show you all. I’m tellin ya, this is going to be one lengthy blog post! ;)
Ruairi was pretending to be asleep. Hey! It’s time to smile, boy.
There we go.
Kelan loves his photo being taken. My little superstar has a hollywood smile! :)
Hanging out with Ancy Nancy on the loveseat. Look at them both cuddled up to me. Ha! I win.I’m pretty sure they’d do anything I’d ask them to. Speaking of which, I asked if I could put Ruairi’s hair in a pony tail. He agreed. I later asked if I could paint his finger nails. He surprisingly agreed with that too, but unfortunately I didn’t bring any hot pink nail polish with me ;)
Little rosey cheeks on him!
The next day I went climbing with a few friends back home.
Oops! Everyone loves a good candid shot.
Here we all are, smiling :) Good friends for 10+ years!
Going up….coming down!
I tested out my friends new (t0 me) harness. Arc’teryx has automatic double-backing harnesses which I do not like at all. But here I am on the wall testing it out, lol.
I’ll spare you the details and just supply you with a handful of the many many photos I took over my weekend trip. Here are some of my favorite photos.
I had a fantastic trip and I’ll be back home for Christmas in less than 10 weeks! I can’t wait to see everyone again :)
Your nephews are super cute! Are these the same fellas that moved home from Ireland?
Awwww, so cute! Glad you had a fabulous time!