Why I stopped running

Sort of.

I mean, we still run the occasional 2km loop at CrossFit for a warmup. But I’ve gotten a few questions on and outside of the blog as to why I stopped running and bought a Nemo Asashi Tent instead to go camping.

All kidding aside…

When I ran multiple times per week I would get so nervous all day at work, about my running performance. I would stress all day about it and make sure I was eating properly so I could run better later. When running I’d hyperventilate when I started psyching myself out. I would think way too much about it. I’m way too self-competitive with myself with running.

Sometimes I used to run with my running buddy who kept my sanity. We were on par with one another and whenever she noticed my breathing got irregular, she coaxed and talked me through it. I ended up eventually working my way up to 9km’s! I’ve never ran 9k before.. how did that happen? However, my running buddy is now a great friend of mine and introduced me to CrossFit back in February. I introduced her to climbing. We’re workout and hangout buddies!!

With CrossFit I actually get excited to go. I don’t get nervous, and I’m excited to see everyone. Ditto with climbing — I don’t get nervous when I think about it. In fact I get so incredibly happy to go for a climb in the evenings!

So why start running again? I have two exercise activities that keep me in shape and smiling! While I do really like running races to get the race t-shirts, I don’t think I want to start up again soon.

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  1. That makes perfect sense! I don’t stress myself out exactly, but I do kind of dread it all day if I have plans to run at night. I could sum it up by saying it’s not something I look forward to, the way you look forward to cross fit or climbing.

  2. I think it’s a really smart decision to listen to what the little voice in your head tells you! Haha if you have more fun and feel your time is better spent at crossfit & climbing, it’s so smart of you to stick to those. I wish I could find something that I loved as much as you love those :( I’ve tried spin, yoga, body combat, running – I can’t find anything that I actually look forward to doing and it’s so frustrating.

  3. Totally understandable. I think running is a great for being able to do it anywhere – even on holiday, all you need is a pair of trainers. Climbing is my main love too, I couldn’t imagine getting the same feeling from another sport. I also like boxing.

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